Nine Habits that will Completely Change your Career in 2023
High achievers consistently act on specific habits to help water the seeds of career inspiration. Developing yourself professionally must be intentional. In order to move forward, you must reflect on the mild (or intense) form of detachment you’re feeling. Understanding what is supporting and preventing you from creating positive habits in your career can help reduce some of those stumbling blocks. In the end, your career can only grow as much as you want it to.
Invest more in yourself
Filling your own cup is one of the best returns on investment; you are investing in your future career by growing as an individual. Whether that’s through nutrition, meditation, a new class, online courses or hiring a coach, valuing yourself instead of waiting for external praise is the mindset that will help you grow the most. Say “yes” to yourself more, and considerately say “no” to others to create the necessary space for your well-being and growth.
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Expand your skills
Sometimes we get stuck because we don’t have a clear vision. The best way out of it is to develop new skills. Manage your money, plan your next vacation or learn how to write a book or teach. Get curious about something you enjoy that doesn’t necessarily pay. Invest in the skills you have, and build the ones you’re lacking. Never stop learning, and don’t underestimate the power of knowledge to uplevel your career, at any stage in life.
Steer clear of excuses
As humans, it’s almost second nature to give excuses to justify a lack of productivity. Most times, they’re usually just stories and statements we tell to compensate for our laziness or procrastination.
If you think you have a legitimate reason for not doing something, you need to self-evaluate to know if it was genuine or if it’s just a result of procrastination. Be intentional about not giving excuses this year.
Be one step ahead
Promotions and upscaling do not just come easily. It takes a lot of effort, intellect and hard work. As a career-oriented person, you should be proactive in your workspace. Educate yourself with complementary skills related to your job profile.
Get acquainted with the future of your business (this makes it easy to see a possible “near future challenge” and start tackling it way beforehand). This also results in depicting you as very proactive and smart.
Overcome perfectionism
Avoiding failure is a deeply rooted focus on the negative. In order to dissolve the barriers holding you back from career success, you must let go of control. Demanding an abstract form of perfectness might make you miss the mark because you were bent on doing things perfectly rather than delivering progress. Remember there’s a difference between setting standards of excellence and setting standards no one can reasonably meet, including you.
Know how to achieve work-life balance
Sometimes, balancing professional success and personal life can be really challenging. But if this balance is developed, it results in higher productivity and efficiency, as well as a less stressful and happy personal life.
Being career-oriented doesn’t mean you have to work extra long hours and struggle with your personal or family life. You just need a practical, well-structured and viable schedule e.g making exercise a priority, and scheduling family time.
Give more compliments
Sometimes we’re so focused on what isn’t working we forget about what is. Build empathy by seeing through someone else’s eyes or walking in someone else’s shoes. By listening, validating and giving positive feedback, you can create a foundation for relationship building, even if you’re not best friends with your colleagues. This change in atmosphere can be the reinvigoration you and your career need.
Use your time as your Capital
This is especially for those in the 9-5 work cycle. Sometimes, it just seems like everything is choking you and you don’t have time for yourself because there’s always something to catch up on.
Doing these three things could help you reduce stress and become more productive
• Making a to-do list on your way to work
• Tracking all your projects in an excel sheet
• Making a weekly to-do list on weekends.
Do you avoid work breaks? Skip on the after-work get-togethers? Or go straight home after an event or church service? Start to show up. It’s not only about connecting but also about making sure people “see” you and your potential. You never know who you might meet, or what new idea you might get. So, put yourself out there.