Home Lagos Young Nigerians Design Innovative Educational Solutions

Young Nigerians Design Innovative Educational Solutions

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Young Nigerians Design Innovative Educational Solutions

GenU (Generation Unlimited) recently organized an Intensive virtual 3-day bootcamp youth challenge sponsored by UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Education Fund) and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). GenU is an organization committed to helping young people develop their full potentials. The organization uses its global multi-sector partnership to meet the urgent need for expanded education, training and employment opportunities for young people. GenU partners with governments, multilateral organizations, civil societies, the private sector and young people globally.

Young Nigerians Design Innovative Educational Solutions

The youth challenge was launched in Nigeria in February 2020 for young people living in Lagos slum communities and conflict-affected areas. The GenU youth challenge encouraged young Nigerians aged between 14 to 24 years to identify challenges in their communities and come up with innovative local ideas that can be scaled up.

The bootcamp was implemented by SAED Connect (Skills Acquisition Entrepreneurship Development Connect), a youth empowerment accelerator. At the end of the bootcamp, 5 teams were successful. These teams designed six solutions to educational challenges in their local communities and the ideas won $1000 each in the seed round funding.

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During the program, the teams went through an intensive Human-centred Design thinking process, which allowed them to solve problems, create numerous products, gain a better understanding of the ecosystem, strengthen their business model canvas and pitch their ideas.

Due to becoming finalists, the teams now move on to the next phase of the competition which is the incubation and mentorship phase ahead of the final Global judging process planned for September 2020.

We are proud of this shinning lights and they have proved that given the right tools and opportunities; we are all capable of designing innovative solutions to local challenges across different sectors.

Please visit www.generationunlimited.org to learn more.

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