Home Industry 10-Year-Old Nigerian Tech Genius Emmanuella Mayaki Hired as a Coding Instructor in the UK

10-Year-Old Nigerian Tech Genius Emmanuella Mayaki Hired as a Coding Instructor in the UK

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10-Year-Old Nigerian Tech Genius Emmanuella Mayaki Hired as a Coding Instructor in the UK 

Coding or computer programming is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. It is one of the leading skills transforming the world. Children can easily learn how to code from as little as the age of 5.

Quite an incredible feat, 10-Year-Old Nigerian tech genius, Emmanuella Mayaki was recently hired as a coding instructor at an after-school club, Southfield primary school in Coventry, England due to her knowledge and experience with computers and coding. The school believes Emmanuella is deeply passionate about sharing knowledge with kids like her because she wants to create a better future using innovation and computer skills.

!0 year old Nigerian Tech prodigy hired by UK School
!0 year old Nigerian Tech prodigy hired by UK School

Emmanuella will be responsible for teaching other kids her age about the basics of coding including HTML and CSS. The school selected her for the role because of her extraordinary skills and knowledge in the area.

Emmanuella Mayaki is a coding and programming prodigy. Emmanuella’s passion for technology started at 7 years old. She has grown to obtain a diploma with a specialty in software programs including Advanced PowerPoint, Desktop Publishing, and Advanced Excel, not just web programming.

In 2018, she enrolled to study web development and graphic design at NIIT and enrolled for Mobile App Development at Tech24. She later developed her personal mobile app and designed and hosted her own website, known as Emma’s ICT Academy.

!0 year old Nigerian Tech prodigy hired by UK School
Emmanuella Mayaki

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Not resting on her achievements, she continues to actively learn other coding languages and programs to expand her knowledge. Passionate about her aspirations, she said: I want to become a machine learning engineer because I have experience in programming and my job is to program a machine to perform specific tasks. My knowledge of modern software such as Eclipse, which I use to program Java applications, is also part of the reasons I want to be a machine learning engineer.”

We are proud of Emmanuella and she truly inspires.

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