Home Industry Business Interview with the CEO, Ellah Communications – Emmanuella Imo

Business Interview with the CEO, Ellah Communications – Emmanuella Imo

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Business Interview with the CEO, Ellah Communications – Emmanuella Imo

Why did you decide to be an entrepreneur?

I have always loved business and was involved in one business or the other right from secondary school selling as little as cupcakes, zobo and beads. I later ventured into Social media marketing in 2019 but I wanted to do more as I am a workaholic. While working and running my master’s program, I got sacked by my boss, for a very flimsy excuse and at that point, I decided it was time to take business seriously and I did.

What inspired the idea of the “Ellah Communications” brand and when did you start your initiative?

Ellah Communications started on the 14th of April 2020, out of the desire to help nonprofit organizations with communications and social media. I had two nonprofits and I quit as a result of many things and in a bid to find a solution, I studied communications and media studies. This really broadened my perspective and helped me see how I could help other nonprofit organizations that were going through what I suffered in the past

What motivates you and what are the principles that guide your business?

My business is guided by integrity and impact. No matter what we do, I ensure that everyone has something great to say about Ellah Communications and we make an impact in whatever tiny way it may seem. That is the legacy I want to leave behind. I am motivated by the number of people that need help in the world. In a way I feel if Ellah Communications does not help as many organizations as possible, these organizations may not be able to reach out to those who need help so at every point I remember this, I sit up.

Business Interview with the CEO, Ellah Communications - Emmanuella Imo

In your industry, what makes you unique?

Well, my industry is already a very unique one. However, what makes us unique is the service we offer; marketing and communications. Most people are focused on funding but communications is a piece that completes the puzzle

What has been your greatest entrepreneurial success?

This is a journey I just started and I am still on it. However, apart from having the opportunity to speak on different platforms, becoming the communications director of two nonprofits and helping different organizations from across the world, I would say my greatest success is the connections I have made so far. Like they say your network is your net worth. 

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What is your favourite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Listening to people and Being the boss, LOL. 

I love the fact that people look up to me for assistance and I get to listen to their challenges and proffer a solution. I also love the fact that I can be in charge of my life and business without really having to think of impressing anyone like in a 9-5 job. I totally live on my terms. If I snooze I lose.

What is the most challenging of being an entrepreneur?

Dealing with people. I have had different types of personalities as clients and I must say not one person is the same. Entrepreneurship has taught me to be patient in dealing with people. It’s something I learnt on the job

Tell us about your products/services?

We help NGOs and FBOs to use digital marketing and communications to grow their organizations through webinars, done for you services and training. Some of our services include Social media management, Content creation, Nonprofit Branding, Website creation and Management, Communications and Marketing planning amongst others.

Learn more about Ellah Communications at www.ellahcommunications.com

Get in touch on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/ellah.communications/

Email : ellah@ellahcommunications.com

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