Home News Ericsson, UNICEF to Provide Internet Connectivity Mapping to Nigerian Educational Institutions

Ericsson, UNICEF to Provide Internet Connectivity Mapping to Nigerian Educational Institutions

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Ericsson, UNICEF to Provide Internet Connectivity Mapping to Nigerian Educational Institutions

Ericsson, a multinational networking and telecommunications company and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have unveiled plans to provide internet connectivity mapping to educational institutions in Nigeria and 34 other countries across the globe. Information on this development was announced in a statement by Sean Cryan, the Country Manager of Ericsson. 

Ericsson, UNICEF to Provide Internet Connectivity Mapping to Nigerian Educational Institutions

This partnership between Ericsson and UNICEF bothers around the GIGA initiative, a global initiative to connect every school to the internet, which was launched in 2019 by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in collaboration with UNICEF. 

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Speaking on the project, Sean Cryan said

“Ericsson is the first private sector partner to join this initiative and does so as a Global UNICEF partner for School Connectivity Mapping. Mapping the internet connectivity landscape in schools and their surrounding community will be of great importance, given its vital role. Connectivity mapping is a primary source for providing children with the necessary means and capabilities to explore the opportunities provided by the advantages of digital learning. The partnership between UNICEF and Ericsson will take the first vital step in mapping and understanding the connecting gap.”

Sean Cryan added that the project themed ‘Mapping School Internet Connectivity’ will serve the primary goal of connecting schools in Nigeria to the internet. It will also bridge the digital gap by ensuring unrestricted internet access in Nigeria for the next generation. 

Having identified the rising use of the internet, Ericsson and UNICEF will design and deploy digital interventions to support uninterrupted learning for young people. Sean Cryan noted that Ericsson’s vision to connect the unconnected and create access to communication aligns well with the project. He said that people in rural locations in Africa will also benefit from the proposed mobile connectivity.

Asides education, Sean Cryan stated that the internet connectivity project will increase access to information and services that support health and new startups in Nigeria.

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