Home Learning and Development How to Keep Learning and Growing

How to Keep Learning and Growing

by RefinedNG

How to Keep Learning and Growing

Learning engages your mind and keeps your body active. Through learning, you gain new and knowledge-based perspectives on the world around you. Below are a few ideas that do not require a lot of money or effort — and bonus, also enjoyable.

Master public speaking and interpersonal communications

Toastmasters, a leadership development organization, can be your best resource for fearless, polished public speaking. You will elevate your skills by learning about body language, projection, and how to exude confidence, then put those skills to use by giving speeches and presentations before a group.

Toastmasters helps you develop the interpersonal communication skills to manage people, such as how to conduct an effective meeting, giving and receiving criticism.

A microphone for public speaking

Limit time spent on social media

Create a time-limit for how much time would be spent online: Social media when utilized appropriately can assist one to keep up to date with current happenings, get information as well as network with the right people. However, social media can be a chief time stealer if left unchecked. Be intentional about the time spent on social media and ensure its being spent on mostly developmental activities.

Utilize free online resources

There are lots of online free resources platform that offer courses in fields like management, technology and business administration. Most sites have free and paid courses, in some cases there are financial support options. Do your research to determine the best option for you.

A book with a tree in bewteen

Read Also: Diversifying and making extra income.

Join focused forums or communities

There are online forums with professionals in numerous fields. These forums utilize platforms such Facebook groups, Whatsapp groups, LinkedIn groups and others. By joining an identified forum, you are plugged in to learn, collaborate and network. The importance of networking cannot be over emphasized, networking is key to career & business growth and development.

Find a Mentor

Your chances of success in life and in business can be amplified by having the right mentor. The valuable connections, timely advice, occasional checks can make a huge difference. Mentorship is tied to several important aspects of career and business development.

Image illustrating mentorship

To keep your skills fresh and ready for opportunities post the pandemic, you need to actively commit to learning. We will continue to explore various aspects of the tips above, stay connected to RefinedNg for more.

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