Home IndustryGeneral Interview with the CEO, BookTray

Interview with the CEO, BookTray

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Interview with the CEO, BookTray

Aisha Omoniyi; CEO, BookTray

Why did you decide to be an entrepreneur?

It was born from both necessity and the want to do something I really enjoyed that could help or impact
others. I needed a source of income that wasn’t only tied to a 9-5 as it had become more evident that
life as we knew it was about to change. So I changed along with it.

What inspired the idea of the “BookTray” brand and when did you start your initiative?

When I knew that I wanted to start a business, it was a no-brainer that it was going to be Books. Books
have always been more than a source of learning for me, books have been a companion and I knew it
was the same for a lot of people I had interacted with. The business started in June 2020 and the name
“BookTray” simply came from a need to serve my customers their book needs.

Some Books from BookTray store

What motivates you and what are the principles that guide your business?

One thing that drives me is that I know my customers are as thirsty for knowledge as I am, that, keeps
me going all the time. I also take my time to understand what each customer likes. “What genre do you
like?”, “Which authors do you ask for?” “What topics are you most interested in?”

Answering these questions help me determine how to best serve my customers and stay top of mind
with them as they are with me.

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 In your industry, what makes you unique?

  I like to source books for my customers. I understand that many bookstores are niche players and would most likely not stock a wide variety of books, that’s why I offer a service that goes beyond “what’s in store”. I like to help Booklovers make their Book dreams come true.

What has been your greatest entrepreneurial success?

It’s not one thing in particular. Every time I get to personally pen a thank you note to another customer,  it reminds me that what I’m doing is making a difference. I’m a believer in celebrating both the small and the big wins. 

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

I’m creative at heart and running my business gives me the room to come up with solutions to tackle obstacles and problems. I enjoy the creative thinking it requires to be an entrepreneur.

Tell us about your products/services? 

Book Tray is an online bookstore that provides you with the materials you need to maintain a good reading habit. You can find both fiction and non-fiction books. 

BookTray also provides stationery and is about to kick start the “BookTray Book Club”. The goal is to have you reach your reading goals in no time.


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