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Interview with the CEO, Regal T Everlasting stitches.

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Interview with the CEO, Regal T Everlasting stitches

Shofela Temitope CEO, Regal T Everlasting Stitches.

Why did you decide to be an entrepreneur?

I decided to be an entrepreneur because I discovered I had intrinsic values and the ability to be one.

What inspired the idea of “Regal T Evelasting Stitches” brand and when did you start your initiative?

The desire to make a woman look natty and pulchritudinous yet modest and REGAL.

Clothes from Regal T Evelasting Stitches

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What motivates you and what are the principles that guide your business?

The future I see motivates me, asides that, the end result of every work in mind, clothing a woman to look beautiful, without having her expose her nakedness is a great motivation. Faith, Perfection, Decency are the principles that guide my business.

 In your industry, what makes you unique?

 My uniqueness in the fashion industry is my ability to create unique and elegant designs not seen elsewhere and my modesty. In other words, my intellectual ability to create unique, elegant, and decent designs that are classy and not boring to wear.

What has been your greatest entrepreneurial success?

Launching my debut designs in Lekki, at The Christian Fashion Show, August 2018.

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

The ability to create and birth new ideas

What is the most challenging of being an entrepreneur?

dedication: Dedicating yourself to start and ensure that your ideas come to fruition. It can be challenging most times. 

Tell us about your products/services?

Regal T Everlasting Stitches is a fashion brand that makes well-finished decent female wears. Products comprise; Gowns, skirts, blouses and unisex customized T-shirts.

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