Home Technology Meet Abigail Johnson Inyang, a 17-year-old Web-App Penetration Tester for a US-Based Company, and Cybergirls 1.0 Alumna

Meet Abigail Johnson Inyang, a 17-year-old Web-App Penetration Tester for a US-Based Company, and Cybergirls 1.0 Alumna

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Abigail Johnson Inyang

Meet Abigail Johnson Inyang, a 17-year-old Web-App Penetration Tester for a US-Based Company, and Cybergirls 1.0 Alumna

Abigail Johnson Inyang, a 17-year-old python developer and penetration tester, started her tech journey before senior high school final exams (WAEC). 

Abigail got introduced to tech by her older sister who registered her for a digital summer academy in 2019. This training exposed Abigail to many tech skills and she picked special interest in Cybersecurity and coding.

This led Abigail into personal research on cybersecurity, and what it meant to become an ethical hacker. In 2021, Abigail was admitted into the Cybergirls 1.0 Cybersecurity fellowship, an initiative of Cybersafe Foundation.

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Abigail’s zeal to learn and explore didn’t end after the Cybersecurity Fellowship. Abigail’s love for machines further led her to learn about AI (python for machine learning), which gave her more insight into how to solve problems using artificial intelligence.

Being a curious and analytical individual, Abigail finds it exciting to work on practical hands-on problems outdoors with objects and machines, tools, plants, or animals. Abigail is logical, organized, detail-oriented, empathetic, and loves working collaboratively as a team.

Abigail is interested in building highly secured systems for businesses and organizations, and using artificial intelligence to tackle significant challenges experienced in Africa.

Not only does Abigail work on developing herself, she is also actively engaged in helping other young persons interested in tech to get started.

Abigail is currently working to build an AI-powered wearable device paired with a mobile application that would monitor and diagnose diseases from an early stage to reduce complicated treatments and the high risk of mortality.

Well done Abigail.

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