Home IndustryAppointment Nigeria’s Abigail Marshall Katung is now Lord Mayor of Leeds in the United Kingdom

Nigeria’s Abigail Marshall Katung is now Lord Mayor of Leeds in the United Kingdom

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Nigeria’s Abigail Marshall Katung is now Lord Mayor of Leeds in the United Kingdom

Nigeria’s Abigail Marshall Katung is now Lord Mayor of Leeds in the United Kingdom

Abigail Marshall Katung, from Kaduna State in Nigeria, is now Lord Mayor of Leeds in the United Kingdom.

Abigail, who is from the Labour and Co-operative Party grew up in Nigeria before moving to the United Kingdom to pursue her studies at Leeds University.

The position of the Lord Mayor of Leeds is a ceremonial role held by a member of Leeds City Council, elected annually by the council.

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Expressing gratitude for her new political role on X, Katung stated, “I am deeply honoured and humbled to be chosen to serve as the next Lord Mayor of Leeds for the 2024/25 term. Our city is a shining example of compassion, resilience, and unity, and it’s with great pride that my family and I look forward to undertaking the responsibility to serve you”.

Congratulations were extended to Katung, who holds a governor position at Leeds City College, on her recent appointment. The college conveyed its excitement about the prospect of ongoing collaboration, aiming to jointly contribute to offering skills and opportunities for the local community.

Congratulations Abigail Katung.

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