Insurance is a way to cover yourself against certain risks. When you buy insurance, you pay the company, known as premiums. If you have a loss, the company agrees to pay you. This could be a theft or a fire, for example.
FG Approves N25bn To Enhance Healthcare Delivery in the Country
by REFINEDNGby REFINEDNGThe Nigerian Federal Government has approved the allocation of N25 billion to the National…
Viola Graham-Douglas Joins Lafarge as Communications and Sustainability Director
by REFINEDNGby REFINEDNGLafarge Africa, Africa’s most prominent building materials company, has announced the appointment of Viola…
Arunma Oteh Is Pioneering Leadership in Finance and Development
by REFINEDNGby REFINEDNGFew figures command as much respect and admiration in global financing and development as…
Oluseun Onigbinde: Innovating Governance in Nigeria for Positive Change
by REFINEDNGby REFINEDNGMeet Oluseun Onigbinde, a Nigerian innovator revolutionizing governance through accountability and transparency. His groundbreaking organization, BudgIT, has given millions of Nigerians access to understand and engage with government budgets like never before.
In this article, we dive into the inspiring story of how one man’s vision is reshaping the interactions of citizens and their leaders.
Dr. Adaeze Udensi Dr. Adaeze Udensi is a Nigerian entrepreneur and business development expert.…
IndustryLearning and Development
The Seplat Energy Internship for Undergraduate Students
by RefinedNGby RefinedNGThe Seplat Energy Internship for Undergraduate Students Seplat Energy Nigeria is currently offering internship…