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Writing a Winning Resume Without Basic Work Experience

by RefinedNG

Writing a Winning Resume Without Basic Work Experience 

Writing a Winning Resume Without Basic Work Experience

Writing a winning resume that includes all relevant details is critical to landing your dream job. While navigating the job market without basic work experience may be difficult following the current trend, crafting an exceptional resume creates the advantage of attracting hiring managers to you. Tailoring your unique talents, skills, achievements and can-do brags to meet specialized job requirements will surely help you to attain that extra edge over other candidates.

Beyond experience, recruiters need candidates with relevant skills to get the job done and provide additional value. Use these few tips to rework your resume and position yourself for a well-deserved opportunity.

Redefine your Statement

Your statement is the first thing a recruiter will read on your resume; hence, the need to make it stand out. Spend quality time writing three to five lines about yourself, your skills and what makes you the perfect candidate for the role. keep it short. 

Tailor your Resume to Meet Job Requirement

Your resume must be tailored to the job you are applying for. Even without prior work experience, highlighting related skills and strengths will help secure an interview opportunity. Scan the job requirements and pick out all the relevant skills and qualifications the recruiter is looking to find in the ideal candidate and add them to your resume as appropriate. 

Think Outside the Job

Research shows that employers are willing to take voluntary experience into account when considering a candidate for a role. Therefore, think about the times you may have volunteered at a company, contributed to charity work, or completed mandatory work experience in high school – anything that will bring the required attention to your resume. Include only works you gained valuable skills on.

Read Also: Basic Tips to Help Construct a Standard Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Writing a Winning Resume Without Basic Work Experience

Leverage your Transferable Skills

Most recruiters understand that whilst candidates might not have the exact experience they are looking for, most will have transferable skills. These are relevant skills learnt on a job or industry, that are relevant to the role you are applying for. Candidates with little to no relevant work experience must recognize these skills and highlight them in their resumes. Some examples of transferable skills include excellent customer service, management experience and data analysis.

Attach a Cover Letter

Although most recruiters may not state this in their job advertisement, attaching a compelling cover letter is one strong way to earn you an interview opportunity. The resume is not enough to outline why you are the best candidate for the job, and here’s where a winning cover letter comes to play. Submitting a cover letter alongside your resume is a great way to brag about your achievements and highlight the relevant skills that can help you succeed on the job. Keep it professional and concise.

Use the Right Keywords

This emphasizes the need to tailor your resume to match every job requirement. It will not only make your resume ATS (Applicant Tracking System) compliant, it will surely help you secure an interview opportunity. For example, if the job posting highlights “excellent leadership experience” as an essential skill, make sure your resume includes some of the keywords “excellent leadership experience”. 

Brag about your Personality

Enthusiasm counts for more than you may think. If you can show enthusiasm for a role in your resume, you are a step ahead of other candidates. 

Even without having the exact experience the recruiter seeks in a candidate, you can create a resume that stands out beyond the usual. Worthy to state that apart from work experience and skills, recruiters are looking to hire candidates whose personalities fit into the company’s culture.

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