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Youth Foundation for Development, Education and Leadership (YouthhubAfrica) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting new and creative interactions, learning and collaboration among young Africans involved in social change. YouthHubAfrica is a youth advocacy and policy-oriented organization based in Abuja, Nigeria and expanding beyond Africa.

YouthHubAfrica sees young people as catalysts of Africa’s sustainable development; the organization has, therefore, worked with stakeholders to provide advisory and technical support for development communications, leveraged social media to drive advocacy and campaigns as well as led youth engagements on both national and regional level. In line with their aim to promote youth engagement, YouthHubAfrica comprises a team of young people, including staff and volunteers across Africa.

YouthHubAfrica started first by building a blog profiling opportunities for young Africans including scholarships, conferences, workshops, news, articles and events that can facilitate and contribute to youth development. Presently, the blog has grown to become one of the largest youth development platforms in Africa and has impacted over 100,000 young Africans who are signed up on the site and interact on its social media platforms.

 The organization was cofounded by Rotimi Olawale in 2011. Rotimi Olawale is a development expert dedicated to shaping local, national and global politics to benefit youths across Africa. For over 10 years, he has led youth advocacy efforts mainly around the Millennium Development Goals. Rotimi is consulted by several National and International Agencies, including the World Bank, The United Nations Population Fund, (UNPF) Africa Development Bank (AfDB), The International Republican Institute (IRI), and the African Union Youth Division. Rotimi is an alumnus of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, where he completed his first degree in Accounting. For his contributions to youth development, he was listed by the Nigerian Government as one of the 15 Nigerian youths on the world stage in 2008.

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YouthHubAfrica is driven by its mission to empower young people with knowledge and skills to harness their potentials. The organization has focused on leading advocacy, awareness and communications around the Sustainable Development Goals amongst young people in Africa; providing platforms for learning; providing linkages for youths leaders in Africa; connecting youths in Africa to resources and opportunities; profiling young Africans involved in social change; providing ICT skills for young people across Africa, engaging in policy advisory for governments on key youth priority areas and enabling organizational support for the youth-based organizations in Africa.

In line with this, their current projects have been designed to cover the areas of Girls Education, Governance and Accountability, Support for Youth Organizations, CV Review among youths, Media support and more. The organization recently led the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, an international campaign to challenge violence against women and girls. In 2018, the organization also advocated for the expansion of the UBE Act, to make education free for all children for the entire 12 years of school and to enable states access funds provided by the federal government.

To contribute to youth development via this platform, please visit office.youthhubafrica.org

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