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5 Ways to Effectively Receive Feedback

by RefinedNG
5 Ways to Effectively Receive Feedback

5 Ways to Effectively Receive Feedback

In the process of communication, feedback refers to the response from a receiver which gives the communicator an idea of how the message is being received and whether it needs to be modified. Whether explicit through oral or written language, or implicit in gestures or tone of voice, feedback conveys the understanding of the information received.

While it is easy to take feedback personally, strive to perceive it as a learning opportunity. Feedback can reinforce existing strengths and assist in maintaining goal-directed performance. Being able to receive feedback as an individual is a fundamental skill to be developed as it is needed to excel in multiple areas of life.

5 Ways to Effectively Receive Feedback

Here are some ways to effectively receive feedback.

Be an active listener

Active listening requires that you fully concentrate, understand, respond and clearly remember what is being said. This means not interrupting, hear the person out, and listen to what they are really saying, not what you assume they will say. You can absorb more information if you are concentrating on listening and understanding rather than being defensive and focusing on your response.

Have a positive body language

While receiving feedback, it is important to be aware of one’s body language, facial expressions, and tone. Your body language and tone of voice often speak louder than words. It is helpful to maintain eye contact and be careful not to get defensive. Try to avoid putting up barriers. Attentiveness indicates that you value what someone has to say and puts both of you at ease.

Ask questions

If you have doubts, clarify doubts by asking questions. Be certain to ask questions that help you to understand the feedback. Ask for examples that support the feedback as this can help you gain perspective on what to improve on. Make sure you understand what is being said to you, especially before responding. 

5 Ways to Effectively Receive Feedback

Reflect and decide what to do

Feedback is not really feedback if it is not reflected upon and necessary adjustments made. Assess the value of the feedback, the consequences of using it or ignoring it, and then decide what to do because of it. Your response is your choice. If you disagree with the feedback, consider asking for a second opinion from someone else.

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Show appreciation

Regardless of the type of feedback you receive, express your appreciation. This sets you up for success, as you encourage people to see you as someone who is levelheaded, approachable, and open-minded. Showing appreciation means that you acknowledge the effort that was taken to provide feedback.

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