Home Learning and Development Finding Jobs, Building Businesses and Careers during COVID-19 and Post COVID-19

Finding Jobs, Building Businesses and Careers during COVID-19 and Post COVID-19

by RefinedNG

Finding Jobs, Building Businesses and Careers during COVID-19 and Post COVID-19

Learning and Development is the most significant aspect of living and growing. RefinedNg is launching the learning and development segment to focus on personal, business and career development.

Given the current environment, there are four types of questions that we need to address to chart a clear path forward amidst the COVID-19 pandemic:

How is my industry and my job affected by COVID-19? What are the short-term and long-term implications of the virus for my industry/business, in Nigeria and globally? How soon are jobs/clients in my space going to come back? Will my industry grow or shrink? What jobs/products in my industry will be higher in demand, versus lower demand? What skills are important to have and develop to succeed in the expected new state of my industry? Will there be a shift in how work/business will be done going forward and am I prepared to succeed in such a changing environment?

How can I address skill gaps identified in a post-COVID-19 job market? It is important to self-assess skill gaps based on research in relevant industry trends using these questions.  Do I know what those skills gaps are, or how can I figure that out? What is the best way to build those skills, and what are the best resources to use? Since there are training providers and courses, how do I evaluate which learning options are the most relevant and conducive to help me advance, which ones are recognized in the industry, which has clearly defined and relevant learning objectives?

Finding Jobs, Building Businesses and Careers during COVID-19 and Post COVID-19

Read more on: Niniola

How do I find and successfully acquire emerging job opportunities? How are jobs in my current (or target) industry filled? Are there specific job platforms or recruiting firms that I need to register with? What do I need to do in terms of preparing my profile or in terms of outreach, in order to increase the probability of success? Do I have the right profile for the opportunities I am going after? Are there other industries or functions in which my skills can be relevant, and how can I figure out whether that is the case?

How do I stay focused and energized during this period? We are going through a difficult time and this is emotionally and mentally challenging on many aspects such as health, family, personal relationships business, career and finances. It is essential that we recognize the challenges we are facing and have a plan to deal with them and not allow these demotivate us. Important questions include: how do I keep myself physically fit and healthy, how do I achieve clarity on my financial situation, and am I managing my money effectively? Which communities and professional groups can I join to help me during this time and beyond?

Please share your thoughts, we will address the questions further and provide answers in the forthcoming articles in this segment.

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