Home Culture BANGA SOUP


by Refinedng



If you’re wondering why Banga soup came top of the list in CNN’s “20 of the world’s best soups” then sit back while we unravel the secrets behind this plate of yummy goodness.

 Food is an essential part of a culture, apart from the luscious feeling it brings to the taste buds, it has the power to unite and bring people of different races and ethnicities together. 

Nigeria is known for Mouth-watering delicacies. Like our famous Jollof rice, Banga soup is picking up the baton. 

 Banga soup (palm nut soup) originates from the Urhobo tribe in Delta State, Nigeria. Banga as it is called by the people of Urhobo has become known and loved across Nigeria and West Africa. The Ghanaians from the voltage region call it dedetsi, the Igbo people of Nigeria call it Ofe Akwu and the Cameroons call it Mbanga. Banga is accompanied by other side dishes such as Starch, Fufu, Rice and Cocoyam. 


 It is made from Palm fruits, Scent leaves, Bitter leaves, Palmoil, Dry fish, Onions, Catfish, pepper, Ogiri okpei ( Iru in Yoruba, and Locust beans in English) If you’re looking to throw in a little bit of sophistication, then crayfish, seafood and okra vegetable is the way to go. This soup is not all taste and no benefits, just as tasty as it is, it has a few health benefits that make it one of the favourite dishes of the people of Urhobo.

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 One of the major health benefits of Banga soup is its ability to reduce premenstrual syndrome symptoms. Vitamin B6 and Magnesium are present in palm fruit. Vitamin B6 is a vitamin obtained from fruit and supplements which is significant to protein, fat,  carbohydrate metabolism, creation of red blood cells and neurotransmitters which regulate emotions, serotonin, dopamine and game aminobutyric acid important for hormonal health.

The palm fruit also includes vitamin k, a soluble vitamin that comes from plants and some animal-based fermented food, which plays a vital role in bone metabolism and the regulation of calcium levels. 

 Another major benefit of the palm fruit is that it helps to maintain a healthy vision, due to the presence of vitamin A which is essential for processes in the body such as ensuring normal function of the immune system and organs. 

The next time you’re willing to try out something, do well to include a yummy plate of Banga, and get the best of both worlds. 

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