Home Technology BudgIT


by RefinedNG

BudgIT is a pioneer in the field of social advocacy melded with technology in Nigeria. An array of tech tools is utilized to simplify the budget and matters of public spending for citizens, with the primary aim of raising standard of transparency and accountability in government. So far, BudgIT has been able to reach over 4,850,000 Nigerians via digital and physical spaces, leading online and offline conversations on government finance and public sector efficiency. With over 8,000 unique data requests from private, corporate and development entities/individuals, BudgIT is now widely regarded as a trusted hub for public finance data in Nigeria.

As much as it is understood that ensuring active citizenship is the goal, BudgIT also partners with the government on request to maintain a wholistic and cohesive approach to the development of the nation. 

BudgIT has provided support to the Nigerian Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), the Ministry of Budget and Planning and the Lagos State Ministry of Budget and Planning. Simultaneously, BudgIT continues to influence the national agenda on public spending, with its policy papers covering government finance, sub-national viability, Open Government schemes, as well as the analyses of anti-corruption and transparency initiatives. As a member of the Civicus Alliance and Open Alliance, BudgIT is leading the charge to ensure Nigeria’s membership of the global Open Government Partnership.

Their primary vision is to see a community of active citizens that relentlessly make effective use of public information to demand accountability, geared for institutional improvement, efficient services delivery, and an equitable society.
Be an Active Citizen. Read latest stories on their website and twitter handle to stay informed on the progress and challenges of our work to make government accountable. www.yourbudgit.com @budgITng

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