Home People Children’s Day Special: Meet Ace-Liam, the 1-Year-Old Art Prodigy

Children’s Day Special: Meet Ace-Liam, the 1-Year-Old Art Prodigy

Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah

In the spirit of celebrating Children’s Day, we spotlight an extraordinary young talent who has taken the world by storm with his incredible artistic abilities. 

Meet Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah, a gifted toddler from Ghana who has recently gained global recognition as the world’s youngest male artist at just one year and 152 days old. His story is a testament to children’s boundless potential and creativity.

Ace-Liam and His First Art

Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah

Ace-Liam’s journey into the art world began serendipitously when he was only six months old. His mother, Chantelle Kuukua Eghan, an artist herself, discovered his innate passion for painting while working on a commission. To keep him occupied, she spread out a piece of unstretched canvas on the floor and dropped some paint on it. To her astonishment, Ace-Liam started spreading the paint across the canvas, creating his first masterpiece, aptly titled “The Crawl.”

Since that fateful day, Ace-Liam has continued to captivate audiences with his vibrant and dynamic abstract paintings. His work has attracted significant media attention and caught the eye of Ghana’s First Lady, Rebecca Akufo-Addo. Ace-Liam’s art has sparked conversations about the importance of nurturing young talent and art appreciation from an early age.

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The Creativity of A Child

Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah

At such a tender age, Ace-Liam has already produced over 20 paintings, participating in his first group exhibition, The Soundout Premium Exhibition, at the Museum of Science and Technology in Ghana. His artworks were a highlight of the exhibition, with nine out of ten pieces sold. This remarkable achievement underscores his growing influence in the art world and the bright future ahead of him.

Ace-Liam’s mother, Chantelle, describes his artistic process as spontaneous and mood-driven. Once his painting area is set up with canvases and paints, Ace-Liam takes charge, selecting his preferred canvas size and colors. His painting sessions, which can last from a few minutes to half an hour, are a delightful exploration of colors, shapes, and textures. Each piece he creates reflects his curiosity and joy in discovering new things.


Recognizing his exceptional talent, Ace-Liam’s family is now exploring opportunities to nurture his gift through quality education and international scholarships. They hope to provide him an environment where his artistic abilities can flourish. Chantelle emphasizes the importance of supporting children’s interests, no matter how early they manifest, and encourages other parents to do the same.

Ace-Liam: Guinness World Record Holder

Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah

Ace-Liam’s record as the world’s youngest male artist, ratified by Guinness World Records, inspires children and parents alike. It highlights the incredible achievements that can be made when young talents are discovered and nurtured from an early age. As we celebrate Children’s Day, let us remember the potential within every child and the amazing possibilities that lie ahead when we encourage their passions and creativity.

Read: The Chale Wote Street Art Festival in Ghana

In the words of Chantelle, “Every child is unique, and nurturing their passions can lead to amazing discoveries and achievements.” Ace-Liam’s story is a beautiful reminder of this truth, and we eagerly await to see what the future holds for this young prodigy.

Happy Children’s Day to all the young dreamers and creators out there!

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