Home Industry Co-Creation Hub, an innovation center promoting entrepreneurship and social impact in Nigeria

Co-Creation Hub, an innovation center promoting entrepreneurship and social impact in Nigeria

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Co-creation Hub

Co-Creation Hub, an innovation center promoting entrepreneurship and social impact in Nigeria

Co-creation Hub (CcHUB) is a Nigerian innovation center and co-working space dedicated to promoting technology innovation, entrepreneurship, and social impact. It was founded in 2010 by Bosun Tijani and Femi Longe, who saw the need for a space where innovators, entrepreneurs, and creatives could work collaboratively on projects that addressed social challenges in Nigeria and Africa at large. Since its establishment, CcHUB has become a leading hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in Africa, with branches in Nigeria, Kenya, and Rwanda.

CcHUB provides a platform for entrepreneurs and innovators to collaborate, access resources, and gain support for their projects. The center provides a variety of services, including co-working spaces, mentorship programs, incubation and acceleration programs, as well as access to funding opportunities. These resources are designed to help startups and entrepreneurs grow their ideas into sustainable businesses that can create social and economic impact in their communities.

One of the notable programs offered by CcHUB is the incubation program, which provides startups with workspace, mentorship, and access to a network of investors and industry experts. The program is tailored to the needs of early-stage startups and offers support in areas such as product development, business strategy, and fundraising. Over the years, CcHUB has incubated many successful startups, including BudgIT, LifeBank, and Truppr, among others.

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CcHUB has also played a significant role in driving innovation in the Nigerian tech industry through its community engagement programs. These programs provide a platform for individuals and groups to share ideas, collaborate, and learn from each other. CcHUB’s community initiatives include hackathons, meetups, workshops, and conferences that bring together stakeholders in the tech ecosystem to discuss relevant issues and explore opportunities for collaboration.

Another notable initiative by CcHUB is its Social Innovation Fund, which provides funding and support for social entrepreneurs who are creating solutions to social problems in Nigeria. The fund seeks to address challenges such as education, healthcare, and agriculture, among others. Through the fund, CcHUB supports startups that are leveraging technology to create social impact and improve the lives of people in Nigeria.

In addition to its core programs and initiatives, CcHUB has also partnered with local and international organizations to drive innovation and create impact. For example, CcHUB partnered with Google to launch the Google for Entrepreneurs program in Nigeria, which provides startups with access to Google’s resources and expertise. CcHUB has also partnered with the Ford Foundation, USAID, and the British Council, among others, to support innovation and entrepreneurship in Nigeria and Africa.

Co-creation Hub is a significant contributor to the growth of innovation and entrepreneurship in Nigeria and Africa. Through its various programs and initiatives, CcHUB has provided support, resources, and opportunities for startups and entrepreneurs to grow and create impact. CcHUB’s role in driving innovation in Nigeria and Africa cannot be overstated, and its impact will continue to be felt for many years to come.

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