Home IndustryGeneral Eight Snacks you Shouldn’t Miss at Balogun Market, Lagos

Eight Snacks you Shouldn’t Miss at Balogun Market, Lagos

by RefinedNG

Eight Snacks you Shouldn’t Miss at Balogun Market, Lagos

Eight Snacks you Shouldn’t Miss at Balogun Market, Lagos

If you have ever visited the popular Balogun market, then you must be familiar with the tempting snacks and sweets sold there.

Balogun Ajeniya Market, popular as Balogun Market is located on Lagos Island in Lagos State, Nigeria. The market has no particular address as it sprawls across so many streets on the island. Balogun market is best known for its display of fabrics, shoes and other items. Although not known for food, it is not uncommon to find sweets and snacks to munch on while moving around stores. These tasty snacks are either baked, fried or roasted, and are made from fruits or plants.

Today, we pick six must-have snacks at the Balogun market. Enjoy.

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Dankuwa is a local snack popular in the north. It is made from groundnuts and other nuts. Brownish in colour, Dankuwa is ground into a meal and pressed into little balls. Other ingredients put into making dankuwa include sugar, chilli powder, oil and water just enough to bind the balls.


Kokoro is a very popular snack sold in the west. It is made from cornmeal chaff and rolled into sharp, pointed pencil-like sticks. Kokoro is hard, crunchy and healthy. It is usually around five inches long but can be as long as 12 inches in length.


Gurundi is a crispy Nigerian coconut biscuit that is popular in the south. It is made by adding well-grated coconuts, sugar and cassava starch. Gurundi has uneven shades of brown and rough edges.

Chin-chin Flakes

Chin-chin sold by Balogun market women are made slightly differently from the regular ones. The dough is thinly cut and fried, but not for too long to maintain its crisp, light brown look. The crispiness makes it easy to bite on and chew. The chin-chin flakes are often measured out to customers using a small tin cup and sealed in small, transparent nylon bags. They are usually tasty and sometimes creamy, depending on the baker.


Shukshuk is a local snack sold at the market and other popular places in Lagos. It is made from baked coconut and finished with oil and butter. 

Coconut Candy flakes

Coconut candy flakes and candied peanuts are tasty snacks and candies made from coconut, groundnut, and flour. They are sweetened with sugar and fried. They are mostly packaged in wine bottles, gin bottles or any available hygienic plastic.

Other delicious snacks such as doughnuts, egg rolls, fresh coconut and cassava, local cookies, peanuts, coconut balls and more, are also made available at Balogun market.

We want to know more about you. Tell us something interesting about your visit to Balogun market and the snacks you bought.

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