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Glory Edozien

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Glory Edozien

Research has shown that successful women are indispensable resources for other women seeking to attain a high level of career growth. It is critical that young women at the early stage of their career feel supported and motivated through their career journey. Today we celebrate a superb advocate of the female folks.

Dr Glory Edozien
Dr Glory Edozien

Dr Glory Edozien is a workplace gender consultant and a certified expert in climate change and renewable energy finance. She holds a PhD in Real Estate and Planning. She also has a BSc in Geography and Regional Planning with Education and a Masters degree in Information Systems for Environmental Monitoring. She regularly consults on the preparation of climate change policy documents at the national level. She is an alumnus of the World Economic Forum Global Shapers. She is the founder of Inspired by Glory and 9to5Chick where she serves as the Lead consultant (Gender Diversity & LinkedIn Professional Branding) and Career Coach.

Dr Glory Edozien is very passionate about women. True to her passion, she has successfully built a female community with the sole objective of supporting the personal and career development of women. In the last few years, she has trained over 500 women in public speaking, networking for career growth, self- confidence, branding and communications through her organizations. She is focused on increasing the number of women in leadership positions in Africa’s private and public sectors.

Inspired by Glory Academy is an academy where women are trained on how to become visible in the workplace, increase their income and attain executive positions. The Academy offer coaching and training sessions in confidence building, personal branding for career women and public speaking for professionals.

9to5chick is a community of over 14,000 millennial career women with a desire to develop their skills, expand their career connections and be a part of a supportive community.  9to5Chick provides women with the career and professional tools to succeed in any organization.

Read Also: Women in Management, Business and Public Service (WIMBIZ)

For more information on Inspired by Glory Academy and 9to5chick, please visit https://9to5chick.com/ and http://inspiredbyglory.com/.

Dr Glory Edozien has been listed as one of Nigeria’s 100 most inspiring women. She has been featured in many prominent magazines and platforms including Guardian Life, Ebony Life TV, Genevive Magazine and Arise.

Dr Glory truly inspires, and we are proud of her.

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