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How to Succeed at your Next Virtual Interview

by RefinedNG

How to Succeed at your Next Virtual Interview

The economic impact of the pandemic has led to new categorizations of “essential” workers and the world of work has now moved online.

Most companies are now conducted virtual interviews as part of their hiring process. A virtual interview is an interview that takes place remotely, sometimes over the phone, but often using technology like video conferencing and other online communication platforms. As a candidate, there is a great need to ensure that you give your best in order to succeed in the interview.

How to Succeed at your Next Virtual Interview

We have compiled a few ideas to help you scale through your next remote interview.

Research the Company

Ensure you carry out adequate research on the company by visiting their website, and social media pages.  It is often advisable to find out the identity of the person that would conduct the interview. Do proper background research on the culture of the organization. Get familiar with the role you are applying for and try to find come up with strategies and solutions for the company. This portrays you as a proactive candidate with the potential to add value to the growth of the company. 


Understand the Platform

When contacted for a virtual interview, the company would have chosen a web platform for the meeting such as Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp video, Google meet, or any web platform that allows for end to end communication. Ensure you understand the platform adequately. You can do this by scheduling a call on the proposed platform with a friend or family member to test all available features. You can also go on YouTube to learn about the features of the platform that are mostly used during interviews. Most candidates overlook this just to discover that they have little knowledge as to how to share their computer’s screen or worse they don’t know where to turn off their web camera in case the interviewer requests for such. 

Test Your devices

You might be planning to use either your phone or desktop computer or laptop. You need to ensure this equipment is working perfectly for the interview. At least a day before your virtual interview, check all of your technology to ensure it works effectively and can be used to communicate effectively. This means having a functional computer that meets technical specifications, downloading any necessary software, and ensuring the connection is strong enough to sustain streaming video. In the 10 to 15 minutes before your interview, check your internet connection and sign in to the video or phone meeting the HR representative or hiring manager has provided. Turn on the sound and video to ensure everything is in working order in time for your conversation.

Be Presentable

In a virtual interview, you should dress the same as you would in a face-to-face interview. Doing so not only makes you appear professional and excited about the opportunity, but it will also make you feel more prepared and confident. When an interview takes place from a remote location like your home, you should expect it to be just as formal as one that takes place in an office. Please ensure you look presentable except the interview is not a video call and even at that, you might be asked at the end of the interview to turn on your camera to see what you really look like and you want to ensure you are presentable.

Be Punctual

Set up your phone or computer ahead of time and join the call a few minutes early so you can find and correct any issues with connectivity, sound, or your location. Also, test your camera to ensure its working perfectly.

Limit distractions

The best place to take an interview in your home is a quiet location with few distractions. Choose a room that is clean and professional-looking so the interviewer can focus their attention on you and not what is around you. Tell people you are sharing space with about the area you’ll be using for your interview, the time of your interview, and that you and your quiet space will be off-limits during that time. Respectfully explain that during this time, it is best that the house stays quiet with limited distractions.


If you would not be available for the call due to unavoidable reasons such as ill-health, ensure you communicate effectively. You could be rescheduled for another time.

Be authentic

When interviewing virtually, you have the rare opportunity to speak in a relaxing, familiar environment and show the interviewer who you are and why you’re the best person for the job. Recruiters will look out for how you express yourself to understand whether you are a good fit for the company. Use tools such as your body language, facial expressions, and interview preparations to convey your confidence and personality as it relates to the position.

Follow up

After your interview, plan to send a well-timed follow-up. It’s good practice to send a follow-up email within 24 hours of an interview, thanking the interviewer for their time and letting them know you’re available if they have any additional questions.  

Hope this was helpful? RefinedNg is committed to providing valuable information to help you grow as an individual, ensure you always check this space for more.

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1 comment

Alisebh July 8, 2020 - 5:47 PM

Thank you for this

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