Home People Individual’s Career Choice Should Be Encouraged; Read the Inspiring Story of Ogbonnaya Mark, an Igbo Linguist, Author and Translator, Who Read his Book to Pass his Semester Exam at the University

Individual’s Career Choice Should Be Encouraged; Read the Inspiring Story of Ogbonnaya Mark, an Igbo Linguist, Author and Translator, Who Read his Book to Pass his Semester Exam at the University

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Individual’s Career Choice Should Be Encouraged; Read the Inspiring Story of Ogbonnaya Mark, an Igbo Linguist, Author and Translator, Who Read his Book to Pass his Semester Exam at the University

Individual's Career Choice Should Be Encouraged; Read the Inspiring Story of Ogbonnaya Mark, an Igbo Linguist, Author and Translator, Who Read his Book to Pass his Semester Exam at the University

While others spoke confidently about their prestigious career choice, Ogbonnaya Mark, also known as Maazi rather kept to himself, with an absolute focus on his goals.

Mark wanted to read the Igbo Language in the university but shielded his plans from others who had high expectations of him studying a prestigious course like Law. To avoid questions or possible discouragement concerning his career choice, he took up jobs to save up for the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination at age 17, in SS3 class. Driven by a passion for the Igbo Language, Mark had already written over 15 manuscripts in the language at the time.

Mark decided to leave his local government area to a place where he is neither known nor recognized, to register for JAMB with the Igbo Language as his first and second choice. This astounded the few around the registration centre, especially the operator who was bent on knowing what his parents thought about his choice. Although there was no Igbo Language course, Mark decided to go for Linguistics and Igbo. This seemed perfect to him.

Before submitting his application, Mark was convinced by the operator on how unprofitable the course was, outlining reasons why he should decide on a lucrative profession like Law, before final submission.

Come examination day, Mark was the only candidate who sat for Igbo subject in his exam centre. This sparked laughter and jests from other students, who must have chosen what they considered to be the best career decision for themselves.

Mark excelled in flying colours, after writing JAMB on four art subjects – Igbo Language, English Language, Literature-in-English and Government. Shortly after, he proceeded to the University of Nigeria, Nsuka for his Post UTME without telling a soul. This time, he was also the single candidate for the Igbo subject. According to him, this brought ”laughter upon laughter”.

Mark made a smart move earlier by getting acquainted with professors in his preferred field. Later, he got admitted to the merit list, with his name in the Daily Sun newspaper. This was how his family got to know about his decision.

Mark approached them for tuition fees but according to him, none was willing. Determined to win, he left for Nsuka to start his career journey. To make ends meet, he met with several publishing companies concerning his Igbo book but was denied, largely because many thought he was too young to write a compelling and fast-selling book.

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Mark later lent some money and self-published his first novel: ‘Nwata Tichaa Aki Tufuo Nkume.’ He went to various schools intending to sell but was not warmly welcomed. Unwilling to give in to rejection and disapproval, Mark was soon to record a groundbreaking moment in his journey.

His book was honoured at a language conference by some professors and he was called to sit on the high table with his Head of Department (HOD), Dean of Faculty and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic; Professor Nolue Emenanjo as well as other reputable figures in the institution.

Individual's Career Choice Should Be Encouraged; Read the Inspiring Story of Ogbonnaya Mark, an Igbo Linguist, Author and Translator, Who Read his Book to Pass his Semester Exam at the University

A few days later, a professor, Inno Nwadike recommended his book to the second-year students of the department, while he was still in his first year. Closer to his second year at the university, Mark published another book titled ‘Nwata Kpata Ego Okenye Ejegbuo Onwe Ya n’Ozi,’ which was approved for the second and third-year students of the department. This meant he also read his book to pass his semester exam in year two. Later, his two books were recommended for Igbo elective courses in the Department of Linguistics, Arts Education, English and Literary Studies, Music, and Theatre Arts. Also, first and second-year students of the Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu started using his book for examination.

Mark soon published five more books and had a total of 10 Igbo books in his final year. His success does not stop here as his Igbo drama text, ‘Uwa Na-amighari Amighari’ was approved for Masters and PhD students taking Igbo Literature, while in his final year. Interestingly, some of his lecturers undergoing their postgraduate program at the time also used the book for their exam.

Upon graduation, Mark released many Igbo books, which were approved by several states including Enugu, Ebonyi, Anambra, Imo, Abia and Delta, for Junior WAEC and other secondary school classes. His books were also used for General Studies in different colleges of education.

Individual's Career Choice Should Be Encouraged; Read the Inspiring Story of Ogbonnaya Mark, an Igbo Linguist, Author and Translator, Who Read his Book to Pass his Semester Exam at the University

To his credit, he now has over 25 published Igbo books and a total of 58 published and unpublished manuscripts in the Igbo Language. He has translated the BBC guidelines in Igbo before the launch of the BBC Igbo Service, and also translated for the UNESCO.

To further his education, Mark obtained more certifications from Newcastle University, UK and the University of the West of Scotland, where he used Igbo for his project on translation and movie subtitle.

Ogbonnaya Mark is truly an inspiration!

This story is encouraging everyone, who’s determined and consistent towards achieving a goal. Keep pushing, consistency surely opens doors to opportunities.

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