Home Industry Interview with the CEO of Lush D’zines Limited

Interview with the CEO of Lush D’zines Limited

by RefinedNG

Interview with the CEO of Lush D’zines Limited

Why did you decide to be an entrepreneur?

I decided to focus on entrepreneurship so that I can leverage my own time and also provide job opportunities for others through my business, freely express my creativity and try new things.

What inspired the idea of “Your brand” and when did you start your initiative?

As a young boy, I always loved beautiful edifices and landscapes, creating something out of nothing was a great wonder to me. So, when I grew older, the urge to join the team of people creating valuable buildings and spaces that people will appreciate enough to want to pay for was enough inspiration for me. Started in 2014.

why entrepreneur

What motivates you and what are the principles that guide your business?

Results. Once I get noticeable results, I am motivated to do more. Integrity and Attention to details are the principles that guide my business.

why entrepreneur

In your industry, what makes you unique?

We explore and experiment widely in terms of product designs and customer satisfaction.

What has been your greatest entrepreneurial success?

It will be working for clients outside of Nigeria. It’s a huge success for me, extending my tentacles beyond my home country.

We are an architectural and construction firm

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

I love the freedom it gives me. Over my time, money and resources.

What is the most challenging aspect of being an entrepreneur?
I guess the greatest challenge about entrepreneurship is that you must learn to make quick and informed decisions in order to move your brand forward.

Read Also: Interview with the CEO of Toubie’s Creations

Tell us about your products/services?

We are an architectural and construction firm. We offer services in exceptional architectural designs, building constructions, landscape architecture, interior deigns etc. We just make your spaces beautiful.

We are an architectural and construction firm
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