Home IndustryAppointment Mo Abudu Appointed to Board of Directors of International Emmys

Mo Abudu Appointed to Board of Directors of International Emmys


Renowned Nigerian media mogul Mo Abudu has been appointed to the International Emmys board of directors, as announced on her Instagram page. The International Emmys, part of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, boasts a rich history dating back to the early days of global television and has been instrumental in recognizing excellence in programming from around the world.

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Expressing her excitement about the appointment, Mo Abudu emphasized the honor of contributing to the prestigious institution’s mission of fostering international collaboration and showcasing the very best in television. With her extensive experience and expertise in the media industry, Mo Abudu is poised to make significant contributions to the organization’s objectives.

In her new role, Mo Abudu is particularly focused on leveraging the platform to elevate Africa’s burgeoning creative economy. She aims to advocate for increased representation of African productions and talent within the International Emmys. She believes this can be crucial in spotlighting Africa’s unique stories and propelling its creative industries onto the global stage.

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As one of Africa’s most influential media personalities, Mo Abudu’s appointment to the board of directors of the International Emmys is a testament to her achievements and a reflection of the growing recognition of Africa’s vibrant entertainment industry on a global scale. With her vision and leadership, Mo Abudu is set to make a significant impact in advancing the interests of African creatives within the international television landscape.

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