Home Learning and Development New Year: 50 Important Life Lessons To Learn From The Year 2020.

New Year: 50 Important Life Lessons To Learn From The Year 2020.

by RefinedNG

New Year: 50 Important Life Lessons To Learn From The Year 2020.

New Year: 50 Important Life Lessons To Learn From The Year 2020.

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The year 2020 was quite overwhelming for a lot of people. 2020 was not just a year of pandemic, it was also the year of awakening. However, as we celebrate the new year, here are 50 important life lessons we learnt from 2020 to help us through 2021.

Self-care is a priority, not a privilege.

-Be you, unapologetically.

-Setting smart goals is great but being able to pivot these goals is even better. Be flexible.

-Life spares no one.

-Emotional intelligence is the key to making better life decisions.

-Health is really wealth.

-Count your blessings.

-Be intentional about what you do. Your future depends on it.

-Never stop learning.

-Nothing stays still. Change is inevitable.

-Prioritizing our relationships with family and friends.

-Only you know what is best for you. Believe in yourself.

-Freedom is not free and it should never be taken for granted.

-People can be trusted to get their work done, wherever they are.

-Alone does mot mean lonely. Try to enjoy your company.

-Your knowledge is your most valuable asset. Investing in your knowledge is the best investment you can make because your whole future depends on it.

-Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind.

-We only have the present moment. The past is only a memory and the future is just a wish.

-Happiness is self-created.

-The little things are the most important.

-We consistently underestimate our resilience and adaptability.

-You have no excuse to not be who you want to be.

-Prioritise your mental health first

-Live everyday to the fullest

-Adversity creates opportunities

-Always expect the unexpected

-Being an expert in more than one field pays off

-We are capable of much more things than we thought.

-Choose your battle wisely.

– There is no shame in asking for help.

– Good times end but so does bad times 

-Staying focused on your purpose in the midst of adversity. Organize your life around your goals and top priorities.

-There is goodness and humanity, even in the darkness

-This world is interconnected. 

-Life is a lesson, we learn and continue to learn every day

-Staying connected with family, friends and co-workers is crucial.

-We can be very effective and client-responsive, even during a lockdown.

-Difficult times reveal the truth.

-Be consistent.

-Create something to look forward to.

-Cherish relationships and the ability to interact with others.

-Be aware of the unintended consequences and contradictions of your choices. 

-Having an emergency fund is important.

-Career backup plans are important.

-We are all equal.

-Control your anxiety before it controls you.

-For every action, there is an equal reaction. Take responsibility for your every decision, take intentional actions and you will create spectacular outcomes.

-Do not expect anything. Appreciate everything. You never know what will happen next.

-You are in control of your mind, time and destiny. You just need to realise that.

New Year: 50 Important Life Lessons To Learn From The Year 2020.

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