Home IndustryAppointment Nigerian Military Promotes First Female Officer Trained at UK Academy to Lieutenant

Nigerian Military Promotes First Female Officer Trained at UK Academy to Lieutenant

Nigerian Army Promotes First Female Officer Trained at UK Military Academy to Lieutenant

In another military landmark achievement, Second Lieutenant Oluchukwu Owowoh has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Nigerian Army by the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja. This historic promotion was announced by the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) in a statement on Wednesday.

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The statement highlighted the significance of the promotion ceremony held on June 26, 2024, at the Nigerian Defence Academy Officer’s Mess and Golf Club. Major General JO Ochai, the NDA Commandant, lauded Lieutenant Owowoh’s exceptional track record as a cadet. Her excellence earned her the distinguished honor of being the first female Nigerian to be trained at the prestigious Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the United Kingdom.

Nigerian Army Promotes First Female Officer Trained at UK Military Academy to Lieutenant

“The decoration ceremony today marks a historic milestone as we celebrate Lieutenant Owowoh’s promotion and her trailblazing journey,” Major General Ochai remarked. He praised her outstanding performance and dedication, which have set a new benchmark for future cadets.

The ceremony was attended by senior military officers, academic and non-academic staff, family members, and other distinguished guests, reflecting the widespread admiration and support for Lieutenant Owowoh’s achievements.

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Nigerian Army Promotes First Female Officer Trained at UK Military Academy to Lieutenant

In April, Owowoh, 24, made history as the first Nigerian female officer to graduate from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Her promotion to Lieutenant is a testament to her hard work, perseverance, and the progressive strides being made in the Nigerian Army.

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