Home Learning and Development Register to join Seeding the Future Global System Food Challenge

Register to join Seeding the Future Global System Food Challenge

by Refinedng

Register to join Seeding the Future Global System Food Challenge

The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) presents Seeding the future challenge. This challenge supports innovation in the food industry by empowering high potential innovators who can transform the food system within a period.

With funding from Seeding the future foundation, the challenge aims to provide a growing global population with access to affordable, safe, and nutritious food for a healthy diet while maintaining the healthiness of the planet. It will require transformational changes in the food system, forward-thinking innovations and contributions from individuals from across the different disciplines and around the globe.

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The applicants would have to present a project/innovations along with the budget that benefit one or more of the three intersecting domains – safe and nutritious food for a healthy diet, sustainable regenerative practices and empower conscious consumer choices. The project/innovation must have potential for significant impact at scale and over time.


(a) Project Wise

  • The Project must be innovative and lead to new advances in either one or more of these: Empower conscious consumer choice, Promote safe nutritious food for a healthy diet or Encourage sustainable regenerative practices

(b) Who is Eligible to Apply?

  • Nonprofits located in any country
  • Academic or Research Institutions
  • Early-stage or emerging U.S. or European based for-profit companies (‘small companies’)

Note: Individuals are not eligible to apply


Up to 1 $Million up for grabs

To apply, visit www.ift.org/foodsystemchallenge

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