Home Culture Seven importance of palm trees in Nigeria

Seven importance of palm trees in Nigeria

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Seven importance of palm trees in Nigeria

Seven importance of palm trees in Nigeria

The palm tree is one of the richest trees on earth. They are typically grown in tropical zones and hot climates. Nigeria boasts of several palm tree plantations that serve as great sources of revenue. The Palm tree is grown in about 28 states in Nigeria, with the largest plantation located at AdaPalm in Imo State. Here are seven uses of palm trees in Nigeria:

Palm Oil:

Palm oil is one of the major exports in Nigeria. It is produced by boiling the fresh palm nuts till the Mesocarp becomes soft and tender. This is then placed on a mill and meshed till a foam-like paste is obtained. The paste is then placed on a press, and pressed till the fluid (palm oil) is extracted, bottled and stored. Palm oil is used for cooking many Nigerian soups, it also serves as raw material for cosmetics and other industrial processes.

Palm Wine:

Palm wine is an alcoholic beverage identified with many Nigerian cultures. It is a tasty drink got from the sap of the palm tree. Palm wine is  served in most traditional gatherings and it is received as one of the items for bride price in the igbo land.

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Brooms and Baskets:

Brooms, which are essential for sweeping our homes and compounds are made from the leaves of palm trees. The individual sticks are extracted from the palm leaves and tied to form a bunch.  Baskets are also made from the leaves fiber of palm trees, and they are used for various purposes in our homes.

Palm Kernel:

Palm kernel is a useful raw material used for soap making and other beauty products. Locally, the palm kernel gel is used as native pomade usually called “black oil”. The palm kernel can also be cracked and eaten as a substitute for ground nuts. 

Palm leaves:

In rural areas, palm leaves are used to make fences, rafia mats, local bathroom, and as roofing sheets (thatch roofs). The palm leaves are also used to feed farm animals like goats and sheep.

The Trunk:

The trunk of a palm tree makes very strong wood which is sometimes sawn into planks and used to make benches. These benches are commonly seen in many local bars.

The Palm Shell:

Palm shells have been discovered to be good materials for construction. They play the same role gravels or granite plays in concrete. The concrete made from palm shell is mostly suitable for light works like blinds and pavement construction. Palm shells are also used as fuel in the rural areas.

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