Home Technology Shecluded Launches the ‘One Woman, One Laptop’ Initiative

Shecluded Launches the ‘One Woman, One Laptop’ Initiative

by RefinedNG

Shecluded Launches the ‘One Woman, One Laptop’ Initiative

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the increased need for work skills and digital learning – factors which might affect the income prospect of more women if they do not have adequate tools for work- such as a laptop. Inadequate tools lead to reduced productivity and ultimately reduced financial performance.

As part of the ‘Shecluded COVID-19 Rebuild Initiative‘ targeted at supporting the recovery plans of small businesses, Shecluded has opened applications for its ‘One Woman, One Laptop’ Project.  Shecluded is a Fintech credit company for women, which is dedicated to building a community that fosters financial education for women. They offer growth loans, financial education and business advisory services to women in Nigeria, and Africa as a whole.

Shecluded One Woman One Laptop Initiative’s logo

In line with its vision to ignite the growth of the new economic opportunities for women in Africa through access to inclusive financial services, Shecluded recently worked with different partners to upskill over 600 women on voice over artistry, graphic design and development of online courses over the past few months. Identifying the importance of a laptop as a key tool for work and personal development, Shecluded conducted a survey to find out the percentage of their beneficiaries who owned laptops.  The result showed that approximately 65% of women who took the survey did not own a functional laptop and would often depend on their mobile phones for tasks that could be done better on a laptop.

Read Also: Stephanie Obi Partners Shecluded to Launch the “Knowledge is the New Gold” Challenge

Shecluded is a fintech credit company for women, offering growth loans, financial education and business advisory services. Shecluded is the brainchild of Ifeoma Uddoh. Ifeoma Uddoh is a Nigerian social entrepreneur with expertise in MVP (Minimum Viable Product), Business Development, Products (Product Road map, Feature phasing, Usability testing, Iteration), Operations, Women Financing, and Seed Investing.

“At Shecluded, we’re constantly targeting growth initiatives that expand capacity for more women and in this period, technology skills and tools are top on our list.” Ifeoma stated.

Through the ‘One woman, One laptop’ initiative, women who would want to own a personal computer and pay back monthly will get the chance to do so. They can also benefit from Shecluded’s virtual classes on how to use a computer.

To apply, please follow the link below.


Applications are open till June 30, 2020.

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