Home News Blessing Alims Becomes UNICAL First Female SUG President

Blessing Alims Becomes UNICAL First Female SUG President


UNICAL Elects First Female SUG President, Blessing Alims

In a historic turn of events, the University of Calabar (UNICAL) has elected its first female Student Union Government (SUG) President, Blessing Iripia Alims. This milestone comes 49 years after the university’s inception, marking a significant historical moment.

Breaking Barriers and Making History

Blessing Alims, hailing from Gakem in Bekwarra LGA, Cross River State, is not only making history as the first female SUG President but also excelling academically. She is currently studying Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution and boasts an impressive CGPA of 4.75.

A Record of Excellence and Service

Blessing’s journey to this historic achievement is paved with numerous accolades and a strong service record. She has been actively involved with several NGOs, including Girl’s Power Initiative, The Bridge Leadership Foundation founded by former Cross River State Governor Liyel Imoke, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, and Youth Advocates with UNFPA Nigeria.

In 2022, she was among the Youngers Foundation Female and More Social Impact Project winners, standing out from over 150 contestants across Africa. Her victory took her on a 10-day educational trip to Kigali, Rwanda, where she proudly represented Cross River State.

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Leadership and Advocacy

UNICAL Elects First Female SUG President, Blessing Alims

Blessing Alims has been a beacon of positive change within and beyond the university. She is a founding member of the Youth Friendly Hub at UNICAL, which empowers students with essential skills for sustainability. Recently, she attended the Young Women Leadership Training Program organized by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).

Her leadership prowess was further demonstrated when she emerged victorious in a campus debate organized by the National Union of Campus Journalists (NUCJ), scoring 87 points and defeating four male aspirants.

A New Era for UNICAL

Blessing’s election is a significant milestone, coinciding with UNICAL’s first female Vice-Chancellor tenure. Her victory is seen as a beacon of progress and a source of inspiration for many young women across Nigeria.

In her acceptance speech, Blessing expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and pledged to work tirelessly to address student issues and promote a more inclusive and dynamic student government.

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Community Reaction

The election of Blessing Alims has been met with widespread acclaim from students, faculty, and the broader community. Many see this as a positive step toward gender equality and women’s empowerment in leadership roles.

UNICAL Elects First Female SUG President, Blessing Alims

“Blessing’s victory is not just a win for her but for every young woman aspiring to break barriers,” said one student. “She has shown us that anything is possible with determination and hard work.”

As Blessing Alims steps into her role as SUG President, she carries the hopes and expectations of many. Her track record of service and leadership indicates that she can meet these challenges head-on.

Blessing Alims’ historic election as the first female SUG President at UNICAL marks a new chapter in the university’s history. Her journey from a dedicated student and volunteer to a trailblazing leader is a testament to her resilience and commitment to making a difference. As she takes on this new role, the UNICAL community looks forward to a period of positive change and progress.

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