Home Culture Hausa Traditional Attire

Hausa Traditional Attire

by RefinedNG

Hausa Traditional Attire

The Hausa people are found mainly in northwestern Nigeria. They comprise the largest tribe in the region, which also contains another large group, the Fulani. However, over half of the Fulani have settled in the region, adopting the Hausa language and culture.

Hausa cultural practices are pretty distinctive in Nigeria and have survived the test of time because of strong traditions, cultural pride, and an effective pre-colonial indigenous system of government. As a result, despite fierce competition from Western European cultures, their southern Nigeria counterparts have maintained a rich and quirky dressing mode.

Hausas have an ideal dress code associated with their religious beliefs. The men are easily distinguished because of their well-made costumes, a large flowing gown is known as a Babban Riga, and a gown called a Jalabia and Juanni. These large flowing gowns usually have some intricate embroidered designs around the neck.

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The men also wear colorful embroidered caps called hula. Depending on their location and occupation, they may wear a Tuareg-style turban around the perimeter to cover the face (called an Alasho).

Their women can be identified by the wrapper called Zani, which is made of colored cloth Atampa with a matching shirt, head tie, and shawl which is called a cover. 

Hausa women prefer to use jewelry and ornaments, and they are also known to engage in body painting using Lalli and henna in painting their bodies.

Hausa clothing is generally hand-woven or sewn in intricate designs associated with tradition and have strong cultural interpretation. 

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