Home Fashion Interview with the CEO of Toubie’s Creations

Interview with the CEO of Toubie’s Creations

by Refinedng

Interview with the CEO of Toubie’s Creations

Why did you decide to be an entrepreneur?

I decided to focus on entrepreneurship because that is the best platform for me to freely express creativity and try new things without boundaries, which the corporate world might not offer.

What inspired the idea of “Your brand” and when did you start your initiative?

As a young boy, I always enjoyed making things with my hands, creating something from nothing. So, when I grew older, the urge to continue creating valuable things that people will appreciate enough to want to pay for was enough inspiration for me. I started in December 2016.

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What motivates you and what are the principles that guide your business?

Results are a big motivation for me. Once I get a noticeable result, I’m motivated to do more. Doesn’t matter how small the result is. Quality and value are the principles that guide my business. Whatever we do or produce revolve around these.

In your industry, what makes you unique?

Variety. Not so many brands can boast of what we bring to the table in terms of product designs and customer satisfaction.

What has been your greatest entrepreneurial success?

It will be having our products in countries outside of Nigeria. It’s a huge success for me, expanding my business beyond my home country.

What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

Freedom! I love the freedom it gives me. Over my time, money and resources.

What is the most challenging aspect of being an entrepreneur?

The fact that as you get the glory alone, you also take the blow alone when things go south as they usually do some times.

Tell us about your products/services?

We produce quality, durable and extremely fashionable shoes and bags that leaves users looking great.

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gralion torile August 15, 2022 - 3:28 AM

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