Home Industry West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] 2020 Training

West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] 2020 Training

by RefinedNG

West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] 2020 Training

In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, many learning platforms are taking to virtual classes and lectures.  The West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] which is the umbrella body for customer service professionals in the ECOWAS region will be utilizing the online channel for its 2020 training session.

West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] 2020 Training

The body covers training, rating and certification of customer service personnel, organizations and evaluating CX performance index of all ECOWAS countries. WAACSP would be holding its 2020 bi-annual training and certification programme in Nigeria on the 12th of June 2020 with the theme “Technology and the Future of Jobs”. The 2020 curriculum will focus on excellent service delivery across all channels as well as practical application and usage of Customer Relationship Management software (CRM) tools to prepare participants for the customer service industry and new challenges post COVID-19.

West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] 2020 Training

The WAACSP membership and certification programme is open to professionals across all industries. and the only qualification needed is a minimum of polytechnic Diploma or equivalent in the country of training. The fee for Nigerian participants is $40 (#15,000).

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The WAACSP certification program which was a 40% offline and 60% online training and certification process pre-COVID-19 will be 100% online this time. There are 6 modules in total; 3-4 days training with the program deployed as follows:

* The School portal where course materials will be available to participants upon registration to read materials/modules ahead of the online class dates.

* Full Zoom class platform. All 6 modules will take place via the platform.

* Each module session time is between 1:30min – 2hrs max and estimated data usage of 550-700MB.

* There will be role play, CRM training, group study and break out sessions.

West Africa Association of Customer Service Professionals [WAACSP] 2020 Training

Successful participants from the programme will be certified customer service professionals and become a member of the West Africa Association of Customer Service professionals with their profiles updated on WAACSP’s members’ page. Organizations and HR executives within the region recruit customer service professionals directly from the WAASP professional members page.

For more details, contact them via:

Telephone: +234 7085556666

Website: www.thewaacsp.com

E-mail: service@thewaacsp.com

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1 comment

Ubedo June 9, 2020 - 2:00 PM

Great one for this period. Thanks for sharing.

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