Call for Proposals: USADF – All On Nigeria Off-Grid Energy Challenge 2021 ($100,000 grant)

Application Deadline: 28th of February 2021
USADF and All On Nigeria are excited to request proposals for the USADF-all On Off-Grid Energy Challenge. Proposals are invited from eligible Nigerian off-grid energy companies. Selected enterprises will receive funding in the form of convertible debt and grant capital.
To be considered for the Challenge, applicants must be 100% African-owned, majority Nigerian-owned and managed private companies registered in Nigeria and operating in Nigeria.
The Nigeria Off-Grid Energy Challenge is a joint initiative of the United States African Development Foundation (USADF) and All On. The challenge is designed to achieve the following results:
* To increase electrical generation to unserved and underserved communities through sustainable business model solutions;
* To expand electricity access – delivered through off-grid solutions such as home systems or micro-grids;
* To increase access to electricity for productive and/or household use – while this may include power to meet household consumer needs, emphasis is also given to the delivery of power to productive or commercial activities including agricultural production and processing, commercial enterprises, and others.
Read Also: African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative (AWEC) Programme 2021 for African Female Entrepreneurs.
Winners will receive:
* An investment in the form of a convertible loan at an affordable interest rate and/or an equity investment
* Seed capital from All On in the form of grants, and from USADF in the form of Community Reinvestment Grant (CRG) funds. The CRG intends for grant recipients to recommit a percentage of grant funding to a local organization to further support community-level projects in Nigeria
* Access to intensive local technical assistance and governance support
Winning proposals must:
* Further develop, scale up or extend use of proven technologies for off–grid energy in Nigeria.
* Benefit marginalized or low-income rural or urban populations currently underserved by utility companies, ideally with a focus on benefits to women, girls and communities in the Niger Delta.
* Demonstrate financial sustainability or the potential for financial sustainability. The proposed investment period must include approximately three months of generation of electricity (or generation of energy) and revenue/cash flow from sales.
* Demonstrate a proven track record of experience or have project sponsors or partners with a proven track record of related experience.
* Propose a budget of no more than $100,000. Proposals with budgets greater than $100,000 must bring leveraged resources from one or more other sources that meet the total financing requirements. Leveraged funds from other private sector and donor sources are encouraged.
* Demonstrate clearly whether and how many new connections will be added, as well as potential for future replication. A “new connection” is defined as new mini-grid connection or home system installed.
* Applications for projects/ businesses leveraging wind, hydro, biomass, and gas as the energy source are greatly encouraged.
* Women-owned or managed business is a plus
To learn more, please visit